Mini Moke Model Collection


Simon K., Mini Moke

Textfeld: This is a plaster model from a guy called Simon K. What he did was draw up a moke in Solidworks (CAD program) then he had it 3D printed in plastic, then he made a silicon mold and now he makes a few in plaster and sells them for a couple of dollars at mini & moke events in Australia and then kids at these shows paint them.

Textfeld: in Solidworks (CAD program) then he had it 3D printed in plastic, then he made a silicon mold and now he makes a few in plaster and sells them 

Textfeld: for a couple of dollars at mini & moke events in Australia and then kids at these shows paint them, I got about 30 of them a couple af years ago and sold/gave them away at

Textfeld: a Moke event we had here, they are pretty fragile though.